Monday 26 October 2009

The Unknown Known [Andy Warhol]

As Chang has very kindly pointed out to me, Andy Warhol is the blond guy from 'Factory girl', it turned out I actually knew him (as well as some of his drawings), but his name did not get associated with the face.. Thanks Chang.

It doesn't surprise me though that I didn't know I knew him. It's embarrassing though.. When I watch films I do not really care who the actors are and I don't really know them. What matters for me is the story. I see a film as an expression of an idea rather than a performance. I do know the actors, but not their names and it's always difficult when discussing films with others.

I don't watch films because there is certain actor starring in it; I watch them because of what they are about and what they tell.

When it comes to art, it is the same, even though it may not be the best way to look it..

Well, I now figured out that I had a unknown known for a change (so many known unknowns)..


  1. I share your sentiment about names and fame. However there are those whose fame is merrited because they have influenced society in a profound way. Andy Warhol is one such person. Know him is anme important not only because he had a interesting life and was famous. His life and work fundamentally changed the equation between art and commodity, art and fame, art and identity, art and luxury and set the stage for much of what we consider to be contemporary. By knowing his name you are able to access and organize this web of interrelated ideas when you come across them. I think that is fairly important.

  2. I am not trying to say it's not important. In art, as well as architecture, it is, but I don't think actors are the key in the films.

    What I am trying to say here is that what happened is that I just simply didn't put a name to a face for some reason leading to my great embarassment.. (I bet I will never forget him now).
