Sunday 8 November 2009

Graduation and.. 'exploring' London

It's only been a week of doing pretty much nothing architectural, but it feels like months.. I don't know if anyone is interested in what I was doing last week, but I'll still brag about it here. Well, it's more right to say I'll admit to my shameful behaviour than brag.
So, I was a tourist last week. I hate tourists and the way they disrupt the lives of normal people trying to walk by one or another so considered places of interest. They gather in big groups, take pictures, stop in the middle of the pavement causing others to crash into them, or just walk slowly blocking the way and annoying people who are in a rush..

Not willingly I became one of them last week as I was showing London to my parents. They've come to visit me and attend my graduation. A silly thing when you think about it.. I'm still/already studying and I am graduating in the middle of it. It's a strange system, but oh well..

So, shame on me for not doing much work this week, but I'm doing my best to catch up this weekend and will post some images of my work tonight.

In the meantime, here are some pics from this week:

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